

Shodan is a search engine that lets you find specific computers (routers, servers, etc.) using various filters. Some also describe it as a container scanner banners directory or search engine. (Banners)
Web search engines, like Google and Bing, which is great for finding your website. But what if you are interested in finding a computer to run certain parts of the software (like Apache)? Or if you want to know the version of Microsoft's IIS is the most popular? Or you want to see how many anonymous FTP server there? Maybe new vulnerabilities emerge and you want to see how many hosts it can infect?

Rather than to locate specific content on a particular search term. SHODAN is
is designed to help user find specific nodes (desktop, server, routers,switches)
with specific content in their banners

optimizing search result requires some basic knowledge of banners

what's Shodan index?Most of the data taken from the 'banner', which is the meta-data server sends back to the client. This can be information about the server software, support service options, a welcome message or whatever the client wants to know before interacting with the server.

BasicsShodan interface (interface) search, starting with1. Searh the input box2. State map: click on a country to just see the computer from there in the results3. Service filter: deciding where to look4. Options bar: click on it to see the upper filter

From the results of search Shodan1. Search input: a query that we use to find2. Save: save useful search query.3. Export: export up to 1,000 results in XML format.4. Results info: shows how much the number of hosts found for the request.5. Country details: highlights countries that have the most suitable for your query.6. Left result: contains an IP, operating system, and state the date when the computer is added in. If there is information available domain then that will be displayed as well.7. the right side of the results: it shows a banner with the search term (s) highlighted.


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