
Web Attack Advanced on DVWA (File Upload)

Let's go on....

1. Sure the apache and mysql was started
2. Open DVWA on your browser
3. Setting your DVWA security to be high (i'm use file upload vuln)

4. Using php-backdoor.php to uploading file. Go to

root@bt:~# cd /pentest/backdoors/web/webshells

5. After that, go to /var/www change extention file php-backdoor.php to be php-backdoor.jpeg 

6. Yupz, the file ready to uploaded.

7. That file has been succesfully uploaded

8. Then, copy and paste hackable/uploads/php-backdoor.jpeg to url DVWA

At that, change on the back url php-backdoor.jpeg to be php-backdoor.php

9. Next, doing  nc on execute command

10. Acces on your console

11.  Uploading Local Exploit 18411.c

12.  Compile Local Exploit

13. Running Exploit ./gameover

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